Semalam DH cuti its because he has to go to tanah perkuburan untuk collect the remaining of his arwah adik and nyai untuk disemadikan bersama. He brought along his parents and of course my princess. Alhamdullilah both arwah dah selamat disemadikan di tanah perkuburan baru. This has become an argument subject between my DH and his mum. My DH memang selalu and rajin ziarah kubur, his top priority is his brother, his grandparents and my parents.His arwah nyai ada ramai anak and not mentioning cucu lelaki but none has come forward to claim her remains, when my DH knows about this he sengaja came on the last day to see whether any of his uncles or cousins came forward to claim his arwah nyai but none came forward, so he did.
So bila NEA contacted him that semalam they are going to dig out the grave of his brother and nyai he purposely wait to the last minute to inform his parents, he sengaja do this so that his mum will not call the whole world to let them know of the situation sebab his aunties and uncles are well aware that my DH has claim his nyai and none bother to call and ask him bila or have NEA contacted my DH regarding the gali kubur and guess bila my mil try to call them, they are holidaying in KL. My DH did this sebab my fil ni selalu kena pulau, he will always be the last one to receive any news in regards to his family so for once my DH wants his dad to be on the upperhand which i totally agree and supported his decision but my mil dont because sekarang ni she is on a good term ngan aunties sebelah pak metua i so kalau boleh my mil wants to be the one who break the news and tell everything. But now mak metua i dah tak leh calling-calling lah sebab my pak metua dah warning mak metua i not to call the rest of the relative let them call, so senyap kejap my mil and ni yang buat dia boring and bingit sebab she is not on the upperhand, all the details for the new kubur only my DH and pak metua yang tau so kalau dia nak story pun she dont have the details, all the aunties and uncles will still have to approach my DH and pak metua. So my mak metua nak lepaskan geram dia tarik lah muka panjang kak i. Bila i balik semalam i tak tau apa silap i, she give a sour face, tak nak cakap and she dont even allow me to help her to put in the eye drop. Lah apa kena ngan org tua ni, ah malas lah nak layan. I buat mcm biasa lantak lah.
Malam bila my girl dah tido i did kol my DH why his mum react that way so he told me lah abt the issue above mentioned tu, oh.... baru lah i faham. Hai aku juga yang kena, aku tak ada kena mengena dengan citer ni and terbabit juga aku eh, kesian deh loh. Semalam malam i tak masak sebab lauk dalca daging yg i masak on sunday masih ada so mcm biasa lah i masuk tido dah almost 12 after all my housework but both my DH and I tak dapat tido lena sebab my girl was coughing away and she has stuffy nose and anak i tido pun tak lenyak keep on waking up crying, oh no why is my girl coughing away, what has her nyai feed her, so now both my DH and I are like zombie.
Pagi tadi i buat keje mcm kilat, lepas mandikan my mak metua, i sibuk masak untuk anak i and both my metua, i masakkan lauk kicap telur. Masak lauk yang simple je lah janji ada lauk, by the time semua siap dah kul 7.15 time to clean up my room pulak and get my princess ready and guess what she is very cranky this morning sebab masih ngantuk, she does not want to bath, nangis and asking her babah to bath her instead and my DH pulak dah lambat he has to report to work early ari ni, nak tak nak kena ikut rentak darling dia. Before going to work i brought anak i downstairs for a short walk and promising her to buy her a Dora bag & water bottle for her b4 school re-open, actually anak i want us to bring her to Changi airport to see the Dora show but my DH tak nak sebab now the H1N1 flu dah merebak so he try as much as he could to avoid these kind of places especially airport, orang-orang baru balik or coming from overseas so we will try to make do with the bag and water bottle. Huh anak i ni masih kecik lagi dah pandai nak bergaya gi sekolah ni baru pre-school kalau dah masuk primary school habis lah terkopak lah kocek ibu and babah. Hmph ari ni masak apa eh????? Pening, pening........
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