Thursday, June 4, 2009

Long Week = Foul Mood

Its been a long week, minggu ni rasa nya mcm panjang sangat and things are not going well both in home & work front ada je yang tak kena.

My boss keep on throwing his temper at me, just because his brilliant engineer from &^*() main hentam je when issue drawings out to site and my boss was being queried, dia kena soal and in return dia soal i balik and this besar nya ass hole engineer did not tell me anything or what has been issued to site so obviously lah i dont know anything and worst of all she is on leave for 1 month balik kampung so sapa nak gi answer or layan my boss nya question! urgh fed-up, bingit, boring. My boss pun satu bila this stupid engineer ada, dia tak nak tanya or marah dia tapi kalau dia tak ada amboi mcm2 dia tanya nak tunjuk marah dia lah tu, pegi dah. Gi lah marah si pompuan &&%*&$%^ tu jgn marah me! bodoh nya boss. My HR pulak tells me that i have taken time off twice this month which all staff can only take 1 time off per month. Not that i wanted to, what am i suppose to do i got a small girl at home who needs me too. Both this time off i took its because i need to send her to see the GP and sending her to school because she refuse to go to school and dont want her granny to send her there so i send lah and bukan nya i tak pay back the time that i took. Kenapa lah so rigid. Why can't they evaluate and see why the staff take the time off instead off telling them straight away. Apa diaorang ingat i take time off sal i bangun lambat ke just like others! Just because others has abuse these privilege diaorang ingat semua orang pun sama, urgh.................

For home front pulak, mcm mana eh nak elaborate..........susah lah nak terangkan. Early this week i did exchange angry emails with my DH and terus tak bercakap. We did talk now but not like usual, i dont know is it because he is down with his flu again or is it because my email content or entah lah, berkecamuk betul my head. I just bottle things up, who can i turn too for me to release all my tension, anger, frustration, I just need someone that will listen to me, just listen and biar kan i rambel mcm org gila tak pe just listen and i will feel better when i dah muntahkan what ever its inside but dont analyse me or give me that mumbo jumbo talk. Is it so difficult or am i demanding too much. My little princess had been a little tyrant this week, bila tak dpt sesuatu she will wail her hear out and nangis mcm org kena pukul and both my in laws ingat i dah dera anak i ni yg add on to my frustration, then my mil will tarik muka panjang kak i, urgh!!! bukan i sengaja nak pukul anak i but sometimes my girl really drive me to the wall. I tak nak salahkan both my inlaws but they have spoilt my girl so much. Apa my girl nak semua dia dpt from both grandparents ni yg susah for me to discipline my girl cause she refuse to listen to me and accept no for an answer. Bila nangis straight away my girl will shout for nyai and her granny will come to her rescue, whoa how to handle this.

Hopefully next week i will have a better week, entah lah, what ever it is, i just have to face it, with help and strength from The Almighty ALLAH, i will..........

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