Monday, June 29, 2009

Missing Babah Still

My girl still has the missing bug, from Thurs night she has been clinging to her babah. Last Friday my DH is on leave and my girl was at his side at all times except when he went for his Friday prayers. Di mana ada babah disitu lah ada audrey. Last friday bila my DH fetch me from office we suppose to go out straight but my DH 4got to bring my girl nya pacifier so my DH suggest that balik and did my house chores dulu and aft maghrib off we go so we did went out last friday with uncle chuck for dinner sebab i tak masak he, he, he i declare myself cuti masak and aft that go out for a night spin and by 11pm battery anak i dah super low finally she say babah go home audrey sleep, signal lah tu i get her to put on her pyajamas and she finally fall asleep in the car around 11.30 and woke up about 9 the next morning, lepak betul anak i, its been quite a while since we have our outing sampaike malam.

Saturday ada jemputan but before that i have to sent my mak metua to the GP for her montly check-up for her high blood. On the way to the clinic my girl still rasa penat and ngantuk she fell asleep and tido from 11.30 right up to 12.45, terperanjat juga i, ai battery masih low ke?? Tapi bila she woke up, phew yo fresh gila beb and fully recharge abis non stop mulut dia chatter. Our jemputan is at tampines and from there zoom to Marina then zoom to vivo city to look for my girl nya Dora bag, Dora water bottle , finding nemo cd and her ballons but unfortunately we could not find her dora bag so promise her next time around we will look for the bag.

For this weekend dapur i tak berasap langsung, saturday dapat berkat nasi from the wedding, i cuma bake chicken for my hubby and i gorengkan satay ayam goreng for my girl and she luv it. As for sunday my DH ada football match so early morning dah kluar but 1st stop breakfast at MC then off we go to CCK sports hall and we were there almost 1 day by the time sampai rumah dah almost 4 so kita tapow je and my mil say tak yah masak dinner since both she and fil masih kenyang ok lah i no objection kalau tak yah nak masak but malam i still masak nasi and goreng kan telur dadar for my DH sebab he did his part-time work semalam and balik he will definitely nak makan, as for my DH dia tak cerewet telur and nasi pun ok, on je.

Oh ya today school re-open takut juga anak i melalak tak nak gi skolah cause it happen during the 1st term holiday but Alhamdullilah kol my mil tadi and she says my girl was so happy going to school just now sampai kan she does not want her grandmother to send her to the door. This morning i siapkan anak i nya school bag, water bottle and uniform but i forgot one thing to check her school shoe, my mil say dah ketat so this weekend have to go and get her a new pair ai kejap nya anak i membesar.

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