Hmph did we do anything special on this day, nope biasa-biasa je. Saturday masuk jb kejap to do our montly groceries shopping then straight home sebab banyak rumah yang nak dibuat. When i come home last friday i was so.........dead tired that i did not do any housework at all, i slept early not that early lah about 10.45 i dah lepak on the bed, to me that is early. Early morning dah masuk jb so tak sempat nak sweep the floor or tidy up the house cuma masukkan baju in the washer pas tu tinggal kan. Reach home abt 1pm, wah half day gone apalagi straight away engine start to do everything by the time i siap keje rumah ngan masak skali dah kul 4 aduh penat nya, dah nak kena siap2 nak gi jemputan malas betul lah nak gi cuma jemputan tunang je tapi tak sedap pulak sebab my jiran nanti kena label tak campur orang. Malas nak dress up, i pakai jeans and blouse je. Oh ya i lupa, last saturday i masak nasi ayam penyet you, my DH and metua cakap ok sedap, mcm gini i dah boleh start jualan lah, ha, ha, ha no way i nak jualan penat dia lagi phew yo penat gila beb sebab duly both my pak & mak metua jualan, anyway cooking is my passion and i luv to see the satisfaction face on my family after having a good meal, berbaloi........
Alamak celoteh punya celoteh i lupa nak story saturday night drama kak rumah i, kecoh kejap sebab my princess hilang pacifier dia, it starts off with me busy doing ironing so i get both my in-laws to layan anak i and abt 9+ i get her ready to go to bed and i tanya lah mak metua i
Me : mak puting audrey mana mak
Mil : kau tengok kak sofa ada tak
Me : tak ada
Mil : tak ada! kau tanya bapak kau
Fil : mana abah tau awak yg jaga audrey
Mil : tolong lah cari, jgn bising, nanti cucu awak tak leh tido (she is shouting already)
Audrey : i want my paci, i want my paci (crying now)
Me : where did u put your paci (trying very hard to control my temper)
Audrey : i dont know (stamping her feet)
I just pick my girl up masuk bilik and give her a new pacifier which she stubbornly refuse to suck and she keep on crying and crying inside the room asking for her paci. Both nyai & yayi dah panic worried that cucu kesayangan tak leh tido so they comb every corner of the house looking for her pacifier and it took them more than 1 hour and anak i still refuse to go to bed or sucking the new paci, apalagi dpt je her paci, nyoyot terus tido within 5 mins. Huh tulah my inlaws suka sangat let my girl suck on her paci when she is playing so my girl will campak je lah mana2. As for me if she is playing i will get her to keep her paci 1st, i dah highlight this to them but still diaorang tak nak dengat ikut sedap diaorang je and this is not the 1st time it happens slalu nya it happens during the day so not that bad but this is the 1st time happen at night and they are soooo worried and a good thing juga lah, i dah tak yah nak tidy up the house sebab my fil has done it for me, he unpack and pack back all my girls nya toys nicely, phew senang sikit i.
Sunday my DH brought us to jalan kayu for breakfast pas tu drive around Sengkang and Punggol and other areas, i pun lupa the name of the places that we went semalam, ever since my DH dah start working part-time during weekends kita dah jarang kluar sebab my DH will leave for work at 5 so mcm rushing slalu so since semalam its Father's day and pagi lah dah kluar so my DH ajak kita rounding-rounding lah, nasib baik my youngest sil ada rumah so my DH told her to sweep and mop the floor, selamat my DH yg sound, ringan sikit keje i nanti cuma masak je for dinner. Sampai rumah about 2 and my other sil dah ada kak rumah so cepat2 lah i masak sebab mak metua i suruh i masak dalca tulang rusuk lembu and she wants to give my sil sikit, tak sempat nak catch my breath dah nak kena masuk dapur. U all perasan tak i ni mcm superwoman, everytime kalau i kluar berjalan balik je i terus nak kena masuk dapur, hmph may be i betul2 nak kena order my superwoman costume lah. Habis masak kul 3 lebih baru lah boleh rilek sikit. I was so dead tired, tak cukup rest but i force myself to finish all my housework early so i can have an early night. My sil balik kul 4 lebih i told myself do not be lazy just continue with the housework ok 1st masuk baju in the washer, rendam all the baju yg needed to handwash, tidy the kitchen, wash all the handwash laundry, hang the clothes to dry ok semua dah beres so i can sit down and enjoy watching Finding Nemo on telly ngan princess i, lepas je abis the movie anak i pun tido, i masuk dapur jap do a little bit of cleaning pas tu i told my mil yg i dah nak masuk tido, ngatuk sangat2. 10.45pm finally i am lying on my bed now wow, what a weekend, tak ada rest langsung. My body mcm blum recover masih rasa penat and ngantuk. Besok my DH tak keje so i tak yah nak siapkan my girl and he will do everything for me. Hai rasa nya mcm nak amik leave je lah pas tu sembunyi kak rumah kakak i to catch up on my sleep tapi cuti i dah tak ada, amik mc agak2 boleh tak eh? tengok lah mcm mana nanti mcm mana kalau tak leh angkat mc sudah..........
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