Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Pernah tak you rasa yang no matter how much effort you put in or done is never enough. The good things that you do always backfires. That is what i am feeling now. I've been asking myself what do i need to do to make things better, maybe the effort that i put in is not enough but how do i know its enough. Or i sendiri not a good person, not being a good wife, not being a good daughter-in-law, not being a good sister-in-law and not being a good mother to my only child. I betul rasa tertekan and i can't breathe.

Kalau org lain tak menghargai what i have done and make me feel isolated how do i handle this. I really, really, really miss my late mother. Dulu everytime kalau i ada problem or feeling down i dont have to do anything just look at her face and smile dah cukup rasanya mcm org dahaga dapat minum air sejuk and when i talk to her she will answer me very softly and sambil usap-usap rambut i rasanya all the problems that i face will go away and rasa ringin but now where am i to go, where to turn to, I know turn to the ALMIGHTY ALLAH. I will just keep on berdoa untuk perbanyakan and pertebalkan kesabaran i and pasrah and redha apa saja pemberian Nya sebab ALLAH knows best and segala cubaan yg diberikan ada hikmah dan cubaan bagi diri i.

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