Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Wondering why oreo, that is what i am for now, today you see me and tomorrow you don't, macam advert oreo biscuit, now u see it and now you dont. Well i have to be on and off cuti sebab nak kena jaga my mak metua and anak i. Cuti i dah tinggal sikit je kalau nak kluar gi for short trip rasa i tak leh sebab nak kena simpan kan kalau ada emergency at home and not forgetting hari raya is around the corner.

This morning i betul nya merangkak bila i bangun tadi @ 5.45am, aduh ngantuk nya and penat dibadan blum hilang lagi dah nak kena bangun, ya ALLAH kuat kan semangat hambu mu. Lepas sholat subuh i mandikan my mak metua pas tu sibuk bersihkan my service balcony yg smelly with kuching nya wee2 & poo2, by the time i abis buat keje and masak soup for my little princess dah kul 7 time to clean up my bedroom and mandikan my little princess pulak, hai engine on terus dan akan terus on sampai lah kul 12 mlm ni. Initially i plan to cook early morning but aft much thought its best that i masak lebih sikit for dinner. Kalau i masak early morning i takut nanti i sendiri yang rushing sebab nak siapkan rumah, nak siapkan anak i nanti tak pasal2 i jadi frustrated due to rushing doing things. I did ask my mak & pak metua is it ok if i cook extra and they eat the same lauk for lunch and both of them say ok tak kisah. Agaknya diaorang pun kesian tengok i penat buat keje non stop and not to mention i still need to go to work. Balik nanti i dah nak kena masak for dinner cum lunch for tomorrow, basuh baju, kemas rumah & sapu, gedebak-gedebuk dah kul 12 baru lah boleh masuk tido and besok cycle will continue and sampai bila i tak tau sebab mak metua i did mention to me that she dont want to do anything for 1 month aft her operation, but the doctor says that she should be ok 2 weeks after her operation entah lah in terms of medical dia dah ok, she shd be ok but mak metua i buat pantang dia sendiri, i think mak metua i manja kot, apa nak buat, sabar je lah, cubaan..........

Ok lah tak leh nak banyak songeh keje opis i banyak nak dibereskan and sebelum betara guru i masuk lebih baik i log out and lately his mood swing teruk betul, going thru menopause agaknya bye for now................

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