Wow semalam u all should see my action in the kitchen, phew yo mcm buat pencak silat. When i came back from office all my family members kelaparan, huh ni my DH nya fault lah (episode sebat makan lauk ayam) so tak lengeh2 lagi, i terus masuk dapur tanpa ganti pakaian terus masak. Within 1 hour habis siap masak lauk ayam goreng percik dengan sayur siap dengan kemas sekali. My DH was the 1st one to eat sambil suap anak i pas tu my pak & mak metua. Nasib baik lah i jenis buat keje pantas kalau lah i buat keje lemah lembut abis kebulur lah my family tunggu i abis masak. Good thing that my DH tak keje mlm semalam so dia yang put my princess tu sleep so that i can continue doing my housework and biasalah kul 12 baru i masuk tido.
This morning i'm on time off again sebab nak antar mak metua i to the hospital for her check-up and Alhamdullilah she is recovering well tapi i sedih sikit listening to her comment, one of my DH nya cousin keje at the eye clinic so she ask my mak metua where is my sil so my mak metua ckp lah yg dia keje tapi my sil has been going to my house hari2 to jaga my mil, huh apa yang my mil ckp ni, so far my sil cuma jaga my mil for 2 days je and that is wed & thurs so its me the one has been looking aft her, sedih i. I bukan nak kan pujian yg i ni baik jaga mak metua i tapi tell the truth, org akan say yg i menantu tak guna tak jaga mak metua dia, padahal-padahal, what can i say sabar je lah, rasa nak nangis pun ada, tapi tak kisah lah, i redha, biar lah my mil nak cakap, cakap lah.
Ari ni my DH cuti untuk jaga anak i and he will be fetching me from work and we will be joining him at field for a football practice so anak i will have fun running around and i declare off day from cooking. My pak metua dah beli nasi briyani so i tak yah nak kelam kabut masak for them. Ok wait for my update next week.
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