I'm back after 4 days of staying at home and practicing to be a full time mom, i'm glad that i am back at work. Phew, 4 hari at home mcm dah 4 bulan otak buntu mcm tak berfungsi at home. My time starts from 6am until late night around 11+ so i tak dengar radio or read newspaper, my focus and time spent on my house work, my updates on hal ehwal semasa mcm stop on track kejap. I pun amaze dari mana i ada energy to do everything, Alhamdullilah ALLAH has helped me a lot, berkat doa i, diberikan kesihatan and kesabaran. Penat, memang penat sangat2 kerja i tak ada stop langsung tapi i take this as my responsibility, InsyaALLAH bila i tua nanti anak i pulak akan jaga i, Amin.
My mil has been a very good patient, she listen to my every instruction. Tak banyak complain cuma 1 je my sil tak boleh nak harap langsung, her habits never change she dont even wash up her dirty dishes after eating i tak nak komen banyak lah nanti dosa pulak kan, gasak dia lah, nanti bila dah kawin ada rumah sendiri baru dia tau. Nasib baik lah my DH ada juga tolong i buat keje rumah like mopping the floor on saturday and when he is around he look after my girl needs sebab i sibuk ngan keje rumah kan. Dah lah rumah i ni besar (i bukan berlagak tau) bila dah sapu 1 rumah naik sakit pinggang sebab itu tak larat nak mop rumah and the worst part is my vacumm boleh rosal pulak, hai apa lah nasib i, terpaksa lah i use sapu lidi for my carpet, nasib baik carpet i tak besar cuma yang kecik je.
Even rasa penat when i at home phew susah nak explain and my resting time is my bed time tapi i happy juga sebab my DH commented that bila i am at home perut dia boncit sebab dia makan puas and i can see also my little princess appetite really good, nasi and lauk yg i masak semua habis tak terbuang bila i heard my DH comment and look at my girl eating with gusto both lunch and dinner rasa mcm berbaloi and penat i hilang, i try to avoid cooking what my mil slalu masak so my family has a change of menu and taste, anyway i enjoy cooking and its my passion.
Ok lah tak leh banyak celoteh, keje i berlambak dah mcm2 note on my table that i need to read and i got to download my 40 over emails, kalau ada chance petang nanti i update lah, oh btw besok i kena cuti lagi sebab both my DH and my sil tak leh cuti to look aft my girl. So see ya on wednesday.
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