Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Ari ni special sikit, i did 2 entries. This morning i did mention yang i have to go down to the store room to do a little bit of packing. Immediately tadi aft lunch i terus turun to the basement and did it.

Mana punya dol mat dah main campak barang2 merepek on the shelve so berserak lah and also an eye sore. Our main director (nick name god) commented to my friend to get someone to clear that area and biasa lah nak tolak balak diorang main teka barang atas shelve tu semua barang my boss. I malas nak bertekak kan so buat je lah the packing and hold and behold its not my boss nya reports, drawings, etc2. Ada lah juga barang my boss tapi setakat satu dua je yang lain definitely not Mr Ho's so i apalagi amik barang yg bukan milik tuan besar and i campakan kak tempat lain yg boss i punya i amik dan susun ngan elok with his other stuffs.
U tengok lah si dol mat main campak je, kalau u all menyirap tak darah kalau tengok benda berselerak gini.

Ok dokie dah siap dah kemas, it took me abt 1/2hr to clear the mess, berani lah ada org buat beserak balik tempat ni i sure nya mengamok sakan.

I did mention to my boss no matter how much we have clean up/pack all the documents in the store definitely there will be bound to have one or two ass hole to mess it up again. So i suggest to lock the room up so nobody can go in there except the secretaries but the god tak nak pulak, his reason the place must be accessible to everyone tapi dia tak fikir kalau dah accessible to everyone and everyone make a mess siapa nak dok gi kemas!! Dia ingat kita ni secretary jadi part time cleaning maid ke, bodoh nya boss (god) semua nak ikut rentak dia je abih rentak kita sapa nak ikut, fed-up seh mcm ni...........

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