Monday, May 25, 2009


U all must be wondering kan apa ke benda ngan my entry YES!!! ni kan. As u know last Friday i was on half day to do some leg working and dah visit 2 kindergarten, i dont want to name them, we name kinder A & B.

Kinder A - The senior teacher that i spoke is a very soft spoken person. I can see that she love kids and have the patient handling small children which i feel is not an easy job. The kinder follows MOE syllabus and guidelines of which that for a young child there will be no worksheets or examination, which both my DH and I totally agree. We were there for an hour asking question and i can see my little princess luv the school.

Kinder B - The principal that we meet is a confident person and on a strict side. They did not follow MOE guideline. The kids will be introduce worksheet and writing at a very early age and by term 1 the kids will be able to write their name. By the 3rd & 4th term the children will have examination. Huh! exam at a tender age of 4, they are only kids, let them enjoy their childhood. My DH was horrified and he say NO immediately.

Ok some parents will luv to send their child to kinder b as they have worksheet to do, examination to sit for and not forgetting spelling. My god, they are only kids, like my girl she just turn 3 when she go to N2 and so does other year end kids and we have to shove all this down their throat!! can we write our name when were 3 or 4? i dont think so and are we a failure now? no we are not and why do we have to force this on to our children. The main reason that kinder b gave was the children will not have culture shock when they go to Pri 1 that is why they introduce worksheets and examination at a very young age. I was thinking what culture shock, why must i force my little girl to do all this when i myself did not have to do all this when i was at her age. Agree that the education system now is not the same when we were children. The system now is already so stressful and parents are challenging with each other and boast towards each other of what their children is capable of, so bottom line the kids are being force to do all this is because is what the parents want but do we ever think what the children really want, yah we will say what the children know or diaorang masih budak lagi mana diaorang tau. Both my DH and I agree that we DO NOT want to add on the extra pressure and stress to our girl unnecessary, we both dont know yet what are her weakness and strength as she is still very young and we believe as a parent, we have to facilitate and guide. Ok lah celoteh banyak sangat regarding this issue i can go on and on forever. BTW i dah register pun anak i at kinder a and am happy about it.

Aft the leg work and visiting my girl tak nak balik

Audrey : Babah dont want to go home babah

Babah : Ok, you follow babah to the field ok and play football

Audrey : Ok kick ball

So nak tak nak terpaksa lah ikut rentak bapak and anak, ikut my hubby main bola, as for my princess she enjoys all the attention that she gets from all the uncles.

Ok not only the little princess having fun but ibu pun have fun running around

My princess tired face, dah penat gila, battery dah weak tinggal 1 bar!!

As for Saturday, my DH and I went back to kinder a for registration and this time around i brought my mil skali. She seems to be happy with our choice cuma 1 problem the school bus, dia takut that my girl tak ada org jaga nanti so siang2 lagi dia dah warn my fil that from next year onwards he has to go to my girl nya kindergarten and make sure that my girl take the school bus safely, hai susah betul lah no matter how much i have explain there no need to do that but my mil still degil, gasak lah. Aft that we manage to go to Philip warehouse sale, ingat nak tangkap the TV but fikir punya fikir no need lah not now, maybe next year baru lah kita grab a new TV. Oh ya that evening i ada wedding dinner to attend at Traders Hotel so i told my mil

Me : Mak org masak nasi goreng je boleh sal cuma mak & abah je kak rumah

Mil : Boleh lah sembarang je, mak tak kisah.

Phew, nasib baik setakat nasi goreng cepat & sedap di makan tapi kalau for arwah bonda i yg tersayang beliau akan comment ni masak org malas. I layarkan gambar nasi goreng i, selera tau!

Betul tak!! Betul.........

Sunday i ada jemputan birthday party, my fil nya side cucu sedara dia, so have to drop by Toy's R Us so biasa lah my princess will request something from her babah

Audrey : I want drum, i want drum

Babah : Darling u sure u want this (babah pointing at the drum)

Audrey : Yes

So another addition to her collection

The rock star in the making.........she is enjoying the drum, enjoying making noise with it and at the same time making ibu having splitting headache!!

Ok lah that's it for today, phew panjang betul my entry ari ni eh...........

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