At 10am tadi i kol my mil and ask how's my princess doing and she say ok dah tak muntah, baru abis minum susu and she looks ok, hai sedap sikit hati baru boleh concentrate on my work kalau tidak hati ni tak tenteram, maklum lah anak i sorang je so very lah the precious. So ari ni my daughter dont go to school again and she kol me just now at 11.00 and she say ibu today no school and tomorrow no school, lah budak ni dah sedap pulak duduk kak rumah, so i pujuk anak i besok she have to go to school cause i bought her a new strawberry shortcake bag for her to carry to school and she has to make payment for the barney magazine that she wants baru lah anak i say ok ibu.
Hai cepat sangat anak i besar, it seems baru smlm i had her and now dah gi skolah, wonder where the time flies
My princess when she was 1 month old
My princess when she was 1 years of age
My princess when she was 2 years of age
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