Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Audrey's Tantrum

When i came home yesterday I ask my girl how are you and she say ok bu, so i told her that tomorrow she has to go to school but she insist that no school so i pujuk dia lagi u have to go to school so u can play with yr friends and she finally say ok ibu send. So being a softie mum i say ok ibu send. My mil pun agree that i send her to school this morning takut nanti anak i buat pael lagi muntah abis panic lagi my mil. My girl was on her best behaviour again this morning, tak grumpy or showing tantrum and sempat melepas dulu b4 i send her to school. My princess cuma merengek sikit2 je while i was walking her to school and when she saw her friend terus je dia nak carry her school initially i yg carry and i kp on reminding her that ibu going to work aft this, nyai will fetch u from school and she say ok bu, she can wave goodbye to me so i was shock when my mil kol me tadi abt 11.10 and she say anak i tak nak ikut my mil balik she kp on pushing nyai dia until the teacher have to tell her that audrey u have to follow yr grandmother home and sampai rumah anak i show her tantrum i want ibu, i want ibu so terpaksa lah my mil kol me and anak i was wailing away and i have to talk to her softly and pujuk punya pujuk that i am at work and i will see her tonight, baru lah anak i settle down and my mil is able to change and suap dia. Bila i kol agn abt 12+ my mil says dia masih mengamok juga but tak teruk sangat lah and just finish talking to her teacher and she told me that she was shock to see that anak i don't want to follow her grandmother so she advice me not to send my girl to school at the moment let my mil yg send so as to adjust back her normal schedule. Hai sedih nya hati i, how i wish i am a stay home mum tapi tak apa lah i kerja ni pun untuk anak i, i give myself 5 more year to go, InsyaAllah bila anak i dah start her primary education baru lah i quit so that i would be able to give her my full attention.

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