Friday, May 8, 2009

Aduh Sakit

Back to the office, sigh dah lah baru baik sakit tengok keje belambak atas meja sakit dtg balik. Oi i tak curi tulang eh, masa i berblogging ni pun half of my workload dah done so nak rest kan otak i jap. Last tuesday was down with bad flu and my boss boleh buat lawak pulak dia tanya i wah u got H1N1, kelakar ke pe, i just smile and answer yah i think i want to check myself in the quarintine chalet for 1 week. Bodoh nya boss, i pun dont know why suddenly my flu got really bad. In the morning tu tak sangat but immediately aft lunch abis i've been sneezing non stop and hidung i ni cam paip bocor, meleleh non stop, hidung sampai merah. Nasib baik lah my DH fetch me from office terus gi clinic and i diisytiharkan sakit and dpt 2 hari mc. Hai nama je dpt 2 hari mc to rest but i think in future i nak mintak 2 kind of mc, 1 untuk office and 1 lagi untuk rumah to submit to my mil to inform her that i need rest. Nasib baik lah my DH is a hands on father, he's able to feed, bath and look aft princess i sorang so on tuesday tu balik from clinic i took my dinner then terus baring atas katil dah tak leh handle, my DH lah yg layan anak, siap kan susu, wash her up and gave my girl her night feeding, i dah kira gone case makan obat, terus switch off, bomb meletup kesebelah agaknya pun tak sadar. Besok nya ingat nak bangun lambat but unfortunately tak leh, anak i nak gi skolah and my DH keje so bangun abt 7am but lepas je send my girl to school i told my mil that i want to sleep i am so drowsy nasib baik lah she understand sikit. The 2 days when i am at home i dont really got the chance to really rest, dpt juga abt 2 hours nap when anak i tido i pun sekaki but bila part masak its still me. My mil dah sedap bila i kak rumah i yg masak so even i ngah sakit pun still kena masuk dapur, apa nak buat kalau tak masak nak makan apa kan and tak kan i perintah my mil masak pulak, mak masak org sakit nak rest, alahai kalau i tak kena sumpah abis sure cold war so just do it, anyway masak bukan susah sangat bedal je lah. But my fil sempat pulak beli ikan duri smlm suruh i masak asam pedas, hai bah tak kasi chance menantu u sorang ni rest ke! but hapi juga bila my fil says that kau masak asam pedas power, abah suka sedap, rasa penat hilang jap. This weekend is mother's day, buat masa ni no plan yet but tomorrow definitely will bring princess i sorang to the beach cause she's been bugging me to make sand castle but sunday blum tau lagi and when i ask my DH what is he going to cook for me this sunday cause i nak rest, ada ke dia boleh tanya anak i, audrey what are we going to cook? anak i jawab senang je egg. So in conclusion my DH says kalau u nak i masak ok i no hal but masak follow my menu nasi, telur dadar and kicap dah. Pegi dah kalau gitu i tutup mata pun boleh buat, i think kan nak tak nak i terpaksa juga turun padang masak..............

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