Yeah!!! ari ni keje half day je sebab nak do leg work finding the correct school for my little princess. She will start her nursery education next year and registration @ the PAP Kindergarten dah start as for the private kinder not yet so both my DH & I have to start to source around and see what's best for my little princess. She will be joining us and i want to see her reaction when she see the school.
I have mix feeling, excited & sad. Excited because i can see how much my girl have grown and how much she has change from a very shy littel girl and now dah more friendlier ever since since she go to school, sad cause kalau boleh i nak my little princess remain as a toddler cause she is so cute........... and she is so funny...........
My colleague did mention that one of her friend dah start her child in phonics classes. As for me not yet, i want my child to enjoy her childhood and not to stress her up cause she got a long way to go. Honestly when i send her to the playgroup i dont have any expectation from my girl, i just want her to enjoy herself mixing with her age group that's all. Audrey baby u tak yr time, ibu & babah will be by your side always................
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