Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Time!! Di Mana Kah Kau Time!!!

Semua org mengeluh termasuk I, where got time!!! Even when we are given 24 hrs of time pun masih tak cukup. Mcm mana eh, u tengok lah by the time i sampai rumah kul 7 mlm and terus sibuk ngan princess i sorang, normally aft sholat maghrib i will suap her dinner, next in line play time and she will glue to me and kp on saying bu carry, so she will be on my hips all the time. Her bed time is at 9pm and normally she will finally fall asleep around 10 to 10.30. Bila princess i tido baru lah i ada time to do my hsework, what ever it is, my bedtime 12pm kalau dpt tido early tu dah kira bonus lah.

This morning when my youngest sil kol me and ask me about a title of tv show, i question her back when is the last time u see me seating on the sofa and really watching tv , and guess what she got the cheek to laugh, well it is easy for her to laugh cause she dont even have to lift a finger to do all the hse work cause there is a singaporean maid in the hse to do all the stuff, u know who is the maid!! ME LAH. Do i sound llike a sour grape!! hmph i dont think so, it's just releasing of frustration.

Kalau boleh i want to do a lot of things that i like and for now i really really want to start baking very badly tapi bila je i nak start ada je something crop up and my time is taken, mcm mana ni, is my time management real bad?? I dah try my best to juggle my time like for eg dulu i did my ironing once a week and it takes me, min 3 hrs to finish but now i did it 2 or 3 times a week so i tak yah nak buang masa banyak sangat and now instead of washing my toilet very so often i now do it once a week. Dah try to juggle dah tapi kan masih juga mcm tak cukup time gitu lor. So how!! tak pa will try, will try, dont care die, die also will try to bake this weekend, jadi nya sedap atau tidak belakang citer janji try ok.........

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