Saturday is a family day for us, its means my DH, my princess and I. 1st stop at East Coast beach dah 1 minggu my baby been bugging us to go to the beach to make sand castle she will say bu go to beach and play sand make sand. So finally she got her wish. Tadaa..... i layangkan gambar anak i playing with the sand.
Cute kan, i let her play abt 1 1/2 hr itu pun susah nak get her to stop when i ask are u done baby, not yet wait. Nak tak nak I angkat and dokong nasib baik lah anak i tak melalak cause i make her stop playing cause ramai juga org at the beach last Saturday.
2nd stop, Swensen at Parkway. The reason we end up at Swensen is because princess i sorang ni dah mintak babah shortcake ice-cream bah, it means she wants strawberry ice-cream. Now bila anak i nampak je any food product that ada gambar strawberry she will say shortcake, she associate it with the cartoon strawberry shortcake. She is in to strawberry shortcake now, dari school bag dia tu ke water bottel even baju pun she will insist to put her strawberry shortcake t-shirt and jeans, she would want everything with strawberry flavour and ada gambar strawberry. Actually we wanted to go somewhere else for mamam but since anak i dah bug her babah for strawberry ice-cream so we end up at Swensen my DH says senang lah everthing is under one roof so kita tak payah go to one place for food and go to another place for ice-cream. I order pasta, my DH order his all time favourite pizza, pepperoni and cheese as for my princess fries and chicken and not forgetting her shortcake ice-cream:
You see, princess i sorang ni betul nya enjoy her ice-cream kan. Aft that straight home, itu pun sampai rumah abt 5+ just nice for me to do my usual duty and that is ironing, this is my weekend nya keje yg mesti nya kena buat, usually i will do my ironing mlm and since both my DH and my inlaws ada tu layan anak I so i decide that i want to do the ironing early so i tak yah lah sengkang mata i sampai kul 1 or 2 pagi to finish my ironing. Phew yo punya lah banyak baju yang nak kena gosok, usually i will do ironing 2 or 3 times a week bila anak i dah tido i will do both my DH and my clothes and weekends my in laws but last week i was down so the whole week i tak gosok so u can imagine betapa menimbun nya baju2 I, sigh, nak tak nak kena buat juga but Allhamdullilah by 9 semua dah beres, slamat! So mlm boleh lah i enjoy watching tv.
On Sunday lepas sholat subuh i sambung my beauty sleep and since mlm semalam anak i tido pun lambat sure punya dia pun bangun lambat, rasa nya mcm baru lelap anak i dah wake me up bu go and bath i tengok jam dah kul 9, i told her ok darling let ibu rest for awhile k, i sumbat puting kak mulut dia and lelapkan mata lagi, then 10min later, she goes bu wet bu alamak anak i nya diapers dah totally wet and now dah seep thru apalagi i terus bangun and i get my DH to take hot water for me so i boleh mandi kan anak I, nasib baik lah my DH ni boleh harap, i get him to wipe the mattress and change the bed sheet for me 1st bila i abis mandikan anak i baru lah i made the bed but my DH not only change the bed sheet but siap ngan kemas skali while i mandi kan anak i, phew slamat my DH tolong I. Aft i got my girl ready i ask her to wake her nyai up so we can bring her out for breakfast. Otak buntu tak tau mana nak bring my mother in law for breakfast cause my mother in law tak tau mkn western food and kalau nak bring her to Indonesian restaurant blum buka lagi cause my DH kena keje so time is limited, we end up having breakfast at Adam Rd and go jln2 at Bugis. By 2 dah sampai rumah. Our dinner yesterday night simple je sayur kobis,ayam goreng and telur asin, tak larat i nak masak yg complicated dah penat. Ok mother's day weekend dah over and this year is the 3rd year i celebrate mother's day and I am feeling contented and very happy to have spent quality time with my family even though i tak receive present from my DH for mother's day but i got the biggest present of all and that is my Princess and my greatest wish for my princess is to be healthy and happy with everything that she does, ibu and babah will support and be there for her foever and ever...........Amin..............
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