Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday Blues? Hell NO!!!!

No monday blues, ari ni rasa nya ok. Sometimes i kena hit juga monday blues when i have to drag my feet to work and nak bangun pagi pun malas. Ari ni kan ibu is on her best behaviour bunyi jam terus bangun and straight to the bathroom tak duduk termenung on the bed and contemplating nak gi keje ke tidak eh or take time off sal nak go back to sleep so boleh bangun lambat, but today no..... ari ni kan ibu discipline sangat2. Since ibu is on her best behaviour and babah pun nak gi site so babah drive me to work so tak yah lah nak rush naik mrt at redhill and sampai office pun awal so sempat juga the two of us have breakfast together. Since i am a little early and my work pun tak lah banyak sangat slalu nya bila phone start ringing and start download email baru lah really tau how's my workload so boleh log in jap and berblogging.

Last weekend dont do anything much. On saturday my DH fetch me from work with all the family in tows so we send my mil & sil alik rumah dulu and aft that follow my DH to OCC to meet up with our goodfriend chuck so he can hit 100 balls (golf) pas tu singgah northpoint cause my princess kp on saying babah toy r us bah its been ages since we've been there and a lot of changes but sayang Toy R Us dah tutup nasib baik lah ada Popular Bookshop so kita singgah sana instead so my princess manage to get her colour pens, stickers and strawberry shortcake dvd.

Hah ni yang buat i pening, u all must have already known that my girl is into strawberry shortcake kan so since sat we bought the dvd i dah watch the dvd sampai 5 kali!!! sampai kan lagu2 dia dah hafal. Ai terpaksa kan apa nak buat sayang anak nak tak nak tengok je lah, i pernah bilang to my DH, skg kan kalau org tanya what is yr favourite movie, it will be Little Bear and now Strawberry Shortcake.............

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