I am back, tak jadi nak amik 1 hari cuti. My mil nya BP is very high so i have to bring her to her normal GP to check on her blood pressure and i have to bring her back for last round of assessment on the June 8th to see if she is fit to be operated on. Itulah sebab i am back to work now, sepatut nya i have to report back to work at 2 but i masuk kul 1 instead sebab i need the extra hour time off so bila i send my mil again on the 8th i tak yah lah amik cuti or time off.
My DH is at home entertaining my girl and he will pick me up from work later and will follow him to the field again, main bola. I nak make my girl lari2 1 padang so that she will be tired and mlm ni dia boleh tido early and i can finish my ironing malam ni.
I am looking forward to tomorrow to spend the whole day at my sis place. My kak long dah beli kepala ikan and i will cook kari (nanti i snap gambar nya) and not only that kita akan masak semur lidah lembu, phew sedap nya..........dah lama tak makan. Bila my sis kol smlm and inform me that she already bought lidah lembu, kecur air liur i and terharu rasa nya cause she took the time to go geylang just to buy for me sebab dia tau i suka. Dulu arwah bonda i slalu beli lidah lembu either i will cook dalca or sop dicampur ngan ekor lembu, makan ngan sambal kicap celup kan ngan roti perancis phoo pegi beb. I kalau nak makan benda2 macam ni i nak kena tunggu gi rumah kakak i baru boleh dpt sebab my DH and his family tak makan ni semua, kalau daging the real meat or tulang kambing, kalau the rest of the meat, a big no, no, no so i slalu tak ada geng nak makan kalau beli sikit and makan sendiri mana ada kick kan terpaksa lah kena tunggu gi rumah kak i baru boleh dpt and knowing my eldest sister who luv her sibling to death especially me, maklum lah i kan the youngest, she will try her very best to cook or beli bahan ni so that i boleh dpt makan. Thank you kakak, luv u very deep, deep, muacks, muacks. Not only that my kak ngah pulak dpt order buat kuih tart so i boleh ngecek sikit kak dia, oi my kak ngah nya tart really melt in the mouth and her marble cake power gila, but dont worry kalau makan tak gila. Ok lah better back to my work b4 my betara guru muncul depan mata i and see me curi tulang berblogging. So tunggu my update next week k..........
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