Not only the weather is hot but my temper is boiling too this morning. I cuba control my temper as much as i could and i have to remain mum in the car this morning. I just kept quiet when my DH was talking, i have to matikan diri i and Istighfar banyak2 in my head so that i tak blow my top off. Even kalau i tell my DH pun dia akan jawab i ikutkan perasaan instead of my head so in order not to make matter worse diam lagi bagus, hati tak sakit.
U all must be wondering why am i so hot, well every morning i have to rush to do a lot of things b4 going to work. Do the laundry, make sure the trash bag are in place, the dishes are put back in the cupboard and prepare my daughter's stuff on top of that i have to bath my girl, clean my room, etc, etc. Every morning bila i sampai office rasa mcm penat belum start engine nak do my office work baru hse work rasa mcm nak lepak. Smlm malam my mil dah handwash 2 of her home baju and i was wondering why does she has to handwash her clothes while normally she will dump it in the washer but i tak amik kisah lah, worst come to worst besok tak yah nak cuci baju sal the load will be lesser and true enough this morning tak banyak baju so i just leave it and guess what bila i told my mil that i want to bring my girl down for a walk baru lah she told me that she has put my sil nya dirty laundry in the washer. I terperanjat kejap huh, so i have to put my girl down and lari to the kitchen to reload all the laundry and start the machine. What i am mad about is why is my sil do damn bloody lazy!!! why cant she put all the dirty laundry in the washer yesterday night so i tak lah kelam kabut this morning. She dont lift a finger to help around the hse baju dia my mil yg uruskan, dia tau bangun pagi mandi campak baju dlm toilet, siap kluar, balik mandi, campak baju dlm toilet, tido but b4 that she will bring in drinks and food into the bedroom so bila pagi my mil will collect all of that and dump in the sink and guess who yg kena cuci, me lah.
Kalau i tegur my sil, my mil tak terima and i yg kena sindir2 and she kp on saying dulu mak kawin pun mak tak tau masak tapi mak metua mak tak ckp apa2 pun. I tak tau lah apa makna what my mil is saying what i know is that dia tak suka anak dia kena tegur but kalau my mil ckp hal anak org, whoa berapi. Dah lah i tak nak komen banyak sangat nanti dosa pulak. Nak tak nak kena sabar je lah, look on the brighter side. I need a vacation very badly................
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