I was really excited smlm cause for once i got a half a day of r&r but aft the doctor assess my mil nya eyes he says that my mil eyes needs to be operated. Alamak terperanjat juga i cause both my DH and I ada personal agenda that we want to execute lah cam na ni but since i am married to the eldest in the family and anak jantan sorang its my responsibility to look aft my mil so dah buat berbincang ngan DH that we have to postpone our personal agenda dulu since my mil nya eyes is more important. So in June i have to be on leave to look aft my mil and skg dah kena lah simpan cuti i tak leh lah amik semarang2.
Anyway i totally enjoy my massage, it was at Spa Espirit at Duxton Hill, tempat nya posh gila beb and its big and very homey feeling. They usher me in to a sofa corner and serve me herbal tea, phew bila duduk je @ the sofa dengan soft music playing at the background and pemandangan nature whoa terlelap i jap sampai kan the massasue have to wake me up to tell me that the room is ready. Punya lah best the massasue did a great job. Sblum dia start she ask which part that you want to concentrate so i bilang my shoulder, ya ampun terasa all my muscle ache gone, the massage was abt an hour pas tu the detox treatment. She applied hot mud satu badan pas tu wrap me up, i dah rasa mcm bake chicken and u betul nya berpeluh but while i am being wrap she did massage my face alamak punya lah best and the whole two hours of treatment i tido, the massasue kena kejut i everytime dia nak i turn over bila dah turn i tertido lagi i cuma rasa dia move my legs or my arms. After the two and half hour treatment i rasa phew yo rejuvenate badan rasa ringan and muscle i tak rasa sengal2 lagi sebab tu lah org2 suka lah sangat gi spa and aft this i pun suka gi spa cuma bila come to the price huh ini part yang tersedak sikit.
My DH pun cuti smlm after sending me for my treatment he did his own things and aft i'm done he picks me up then we both went for a drink at coffee bean rasa mcm jangal sikit tak ada anak i so we both terpaksa alik mcm biasa cause my mil tak tau yg kita both on leave so bila balik rumah anak i pulak sakit. She is having flu asyik sneezing and hidung tersumbat so the whole night tido tak lenyak nasib baik lah i tak rasa penat so mlm smlm tak tido fully pun i rasa ok this morning i brought princess i sorang gi jumpa doctor dulu baru masuk opis and my mil been calling me the whole day ckp anak i cranky she kp on calling for me wr ibu cause anak i kalau sakit she will cling to me tak nak ngan org but mcm mana i nak balik i nak kena simpan cuti so my mil terpaksa lah layan anak i cranky or not she has to face it.
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