Friday, April 24, 2009

Hai Tak Kenyang

Ok today sempena secretary week our bosses (kita ada 5 director) belanja all us from Admin Dept makan lunch, venue at S'pore Swimming Club, one of the oldest club being established here. The restaurant phew standard gila beb, btw one of the director member kak club ni so kita dpt private room. The salad spread alamak punya lah best, nak tangkap gambar takut pulak sal one of the rule hp kena on silent mode so tak brani nak tangkap gambar tak pasal2 nanti phone i kena confisicate (dah mcm budak skolah lak).

Masa i sampai one of the director (yg club member lah) dah seated so I yg 1st skali to walk into the room and as usual lah etiqutte kata kan so i duduk lah sebelah dia tapi yg buat i bengang yg duduk depan i is not my favourite director, dia ni slalu cari pasal ngan I, so bila @ opis ni i slalu try to avoid to talk to him or bump into him, i ingat dpt duduk sebelah boss lain boleh lah i avoid dia, alamak punya lah terperanjat beruk bila dia duduk depan i, lah cam na ni, nak mkn pun dah tak selera. Perut ngah lapar gila sal smlm tak dinner sal anak i kacau and breakfast pagi tadi very light ingatkan wah lunch mesti gerek nya so nak bedal lah skali bacfire. Menyesal to walk into the room 1st kalau lah i tau tadi i masuk toilet dulu tengok seating arrangement nya cam mana. To make things works my colleague yg lain makan sikit je dah stop, apa konon nya segan lah tu, 1 round of salad dah stop and duduk wait for the main course, lah apasal pulak stop tak kan lah i nak bedal sorang nanti nampak sangat i ni gelojoh, itupun i buat 2 round of salad. Boring seh tekak ngah selera nak makan tapi tak ada kaki yg gerek and makan pun sikit2 je, apa saja lah puas hati jgn kluar makan. When come to desert pun sama, so i terpaksa lah ikut rentak semua org take 1 slice of chocolate banana cake and coffee tapi dlm hati berontak gila nak makan lagi, tapi apa kan daya and while i am enjoying my 1 slice of banana cake, director yg duduk depan i ckp sal keje, boring betul lah, dia ni slalu je ckp sal keje tak kira lah kak mana mesti nya topic keje kena masuk. As for me i buat bodoh je lah, masuk right ear kluar left ear. Overall i dont enjoy my lunch. I mesti nak mintak my own direct boss belanja i sorang, i tak puas hati he owe me 2 lunch!!

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