Thursday, April 23, 2009

Office Politics

Bila agak nya i boleh retire eh duduk rumah jaga anak, jadi tai-tai. Hmph..... takut bila dah duduk rumah bosan pulak. Penat lah rasa nya nak tempuh dugaan keje lagi especially office politics ni tebal sangat. Bila complain kak the other half dia ckp alah small little gritty thing je pun nak gaduh. Mcm mana lah tak gaduh kalau dah kena stab in the back. I tak faham lah org yg tak pandai sangat keje tapi pandai sangat bodek2 ngan boss, ckp pun lemah lembut kalau u all dengar cara org ni ckp and ketawa kecil2 mcm manja2 gitu, u all boleh muntah tau, sebab itulah boss sayang kak org ni, i cukup betul nya menyampah org yg dari $%*&$ (tak leh sebut nama negeri). Dalah tak mandi, badan bau hanyir, aksyen pulak tu bila apa diaorang nak boss bagi. I ni yg dah jadi secretary to my boss and i know him for more than 10 years already tak lah manja mcm dia. My stands is you have to like me for who I am. Kalau nak ckp manja2 ngan boss sori lah, anyway my boss know my style of work and so far tak ada complaint from him even though he know i cukup tegas dengan pendirian i, i put my feet firm on the ground and when i say means no and so far my boss will give me his full support. That is why lah org i mention above ni will go behind my back and trying to make things difficult for me but smlm dah trash out with my boss and sori eh sister, no road and no jln for u to cut thru...........

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