This is it, finally I have created my own blog. My friends have been bugging me to have one but dont see the need till now, especially I luv browsing and reading all the food blogs out there and thought to myself, hey why not create one, 1st I can pen my thought, 2nd i can share recipes with others and finally i have a reason to tell my DH that i need to buy me my own lap top, yes!!
For this past few months i have been a good wife, hey wait a minute I have been a good wife for the past 10 years! (hmph does my DH knows this, i hope he does) cuma lately every weekend I will try to cook up a storm (masak yg sedap2 lah), well i am a working wife and mother so by the time i reach home @ 7pm mana lah ada time nak masak kalau yg simple tu boleh lah, lagi pun my mother in law tinggal ngan I so ada org yang tolong masak dinner hari2. As this is my very 1st entry, i did not take any pictures of what i have cook smlm so will try to do that this weekend. Untuk pengetahuan semua last saturday i masak nasi tomato, ayam masak merah & dalca sayur. Hapi sangat2 bila dpt pujian from my DH and both metua i pun suka (hopefully its the truth lah or maybe nak sedap kan hati I kot). For your info my princess yang kecik tu pun suka, even though umur dia baru 2+ tapi bab makan ni dia tak cerewet semua dia makan. She love flavoured rice tak kira lah nasi lemak ke briyani ke or nasi tomato ke semua jln terus.
Oh yes, I nak share a good news, looking forward to the coming 1st May holiday sebab ada family outing (my side). Anak buah semua nya dah besar panjang, anak dara and bujang so they have plan a fun filled day, that is to have an amazing race, yeh!!! hapi lah sangat2, sal semua family I berkereta (ni bukan nak megah ye) so since semua ada own transport thus the amazing race come about. Slalu nya kalau ada family outing either picnic or barbeque so anak2 muda ni slalu nya complain boring and sometimes diaorang tak nak ikut cuma yang kecik2 tu lah yang slalu ada for the family outing so since they all slalu complain kita ni yang tua2 let them run the show kita cuma kluar kan S$ (ni dah mesti lah but its ok) and give them our full support. BTW I come from a family of six and I am the youngest. As for the moment blum ada full detail lagi so will update further and also will post all the hapi pictures taken during the race.
Ok lah tak leh banyak celoteh, nanti org ingat i makan gaji buta sebab I create this blog and siap ngan tulis skali time office hours so kalau orang nampak (except Lilie knows) mati lah I. Ciao for now.
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