Am i a fierce person?? Like that fellow up there?? sori eh, i tak mkn org tau. My colleague think that I am. Well they leave me no choice, tak kan lah I suka sangat marah2 org, diaorang ingat i ni gila nak marah org just for the sake of scolding. Look I work in an civil & structural engineering firm and my boss leave me to run the show, baik dari chasing the engineers to complete their design for authorities submission, doing submission and following up with the authorities for their approval, semua i kena buat and when he sms or tanya i he expect me to reply him straight away, in another word everything have to be in my fingertips because he has to report it to the owner/client.
So bila tadi lunch time my friend told me that maybe its time my team has a new secretary cause dia boleh jadi bossy, i sedih juga. They think its easy to sit at my place kalau my boss bad mood and tengah bingit, kak sapa dia nak lepas kan geram! kak muka i juga lah. Bila dia tanya i whether the plans has been submitted and i ans no, my boss reply why? why dont chase the engineers? he make me feel like i dont do my work at all padahal kekadang rasa penat nak chase and talk to the engineers whether they have finish their work. I did try to cover them up, trying to explain to my boss but diorang tau tak? i dont think so.......... sigh what to do. I ni sebenar nya a very helpful person, actually i dah banyak help the engineers to do their part of their work like compiling calculation, following up with the authorities so on and so forth but for other team the engineers have to do it themselves, itu pun tak cukup ke. I bukan nya nak puji diri i ni bagus sangat but i will try my very best to help out as long as the job is done, tak kan ni pun i nak kena explain kak dioarang, faham2 sendiri cukup lah. May be its true, i think its about time i step down so that they have the chance to work with someone else and as for me fresh air. But not anytime soon i nak my long service bonus dulu baru lah i quit, ha, ha, ha...........
So bila tadi lunch time my friend told me that maybe its time my team has a new secretary cause dia boleh jadi bossy, i sedih juga. They think its easy to sit at my place kalau my boss bad mood and tengah bingit, kak sapa dia nak lepas kan geram! kak muka i juga lah. Bila dia tanya i whether the plans has been submitted and i ans no, my boss reply why? why dont chase the engineers? he make me feel like i dont do my work at all padahal kekadang rasa penat nak chase and talk to the engineers whether they have finish their work. I did try to cover them up, trying to explain to my boss but diorang tau tak? i dont think so.......... sigh what to do. I ni sebenar nya a very helpful person, actually i dah banyak help the engineers to do their part of their work like compiling calculation, following up with the authorities so on and so forth but for other team the engineers have to do it themselves, itu pun tak cukup ke. I bukan nya nak puji diri i ni bagus sangat but i will try my very best to help out as long as the job is done, tak kan ni pun i nak kena explain kak dioarang, faham2 sendiri cukup lah. May be its true, i think its about time i step down so that they have the chance to work with someone else and as for me fresh air. But not anytime soon i nak my long service bonus dulu baru lah i quit, ha, ha, ha...........
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