Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Besok i cuti, tak dpt lah nak update atau tulis2 sebab i cuma boleh update bila kak opis, kalau kak rumah all my time is taken up jgn ckp nak update blog, nak tengok tv pun nak kena tunggu anak i tido and normally this time i ngah buat ironing so my time is limited betul bila kak umah. I bukan makan gaji buta eh, i cuma update bila boss tak ada and keje i dah selesai baru lah i buka my blog ok. First half of day i kena antar my mil to NUH for her eye check-up. Huh the 2nd half of day yg i look forward to, a 2hrs of session of detox massage. Lately stress sangat2 that is why lah i am really really looking forward to it. Hopefully lepas ni i lebih fresh and rejuvenate. Dah lama betul i tak gi massage the last time i went was last year itu pun belas ikhsan my 2nd sis, dia yg bayar, i cuma adakan badan. So maybe next time kalau i ada rezeki lebih i pulak belanja dia. So akan update further on Thursday, ciao for now.

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