Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009 n Helloooo 2010

This is to mark the last day of the year and am having a long weekend. Besok picnic with my family and looking forward to it. Being with my family will always cheer me up. As for both my in-law they will all staying over at my sis-in-law place, yipee!!! ada juga some freedom and privacy even though only for the weekend but i really cherish it. Just my own family...

Ok let me c, new year resolution, nope tak ada, dah lama dah i stop doing this resolution thing sebab tak pernah pun tercapai. Tapi this year, I akan cuba sedaya upaya i untuk menjadi muslimah yang lebih sempurna dengan penuh kesabaran dan menjadi seorang isteri, ibu, adik dan menantu yang sebaik mungkin... InsyaAllah.

C in u all in2010.........

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