Sunday, December 6, 2009

Back To Basic

Well its been a more than 2 weeks my DH without having his car, did i forget to mention that my DH car was hit and not on the street mind you, it got hit at the carpark while our car is stationary. Yah at the carpark pun boleh kena langgar. Apparently the driver of the other car black out and she losses control of her car and wham she hit our car and not only ours but 2 more car. Well its a freak accident and my DH car was a total wreck and he has to call the tow truck to sent his car to C&C for repair and he will be claiming against the other driver insurance and thank goodness the driver and her family is a responsible people, they left a note on our car and when we were at the carpark ready to go out, they were there and they apologise profusely dah kata accident kan so nak marah or nangis pun tak guna so take it je lah.

But without the car my DH yang frustrated cause his job take him all over. It is so inconvient when he has to go out to site and he has to take the public transport and he has not been taking the public transport to work since 1990! dulu he ride but bila kita ada anak he drive and can you imagine dah more than 10 years tak naik public transport macam-macam lah my DH complain. Within 2 days span he has taken the north east west line train, thus the title of my entry tonight, back to basic.

Last saturday my little princess is enjoying herself taking the mrt and then dia nak naik double decker bus wow dia yang enjoy kita yang penat. My DH says the earliest the car will be ready this coming Friday and not only my DH been complaining, apparently my mak metua pun complain juga sebab ari ni kita go for jemputan jalan kaki and lepas tu baru naik bas. Nasib baik lah the wedding invitation dekat ngan rumah i, its within walking distance je but my mak metua ni dah manja sangat dah biasa ada keta and tak yah nak jalan jauh2 so ari kena jalan dah start complaining. Baru 2 minggu tak ada keta mcm dah mati kutu pulak my family mcm mana ni eh!!!!

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