Sunday, November 29, 2009


Finally me mengupdate my blog from home! My DH finally bought me a notebook for my personal use last saturday fm Sitec. Alah yang murah je not yang canggih nya asal kan i dpt do all my personal stuff and most important thing dapat log in to the internet, ha itu yang paling penting skali and furthermore i bukan nya IT savy person, IT idiot adalah. Itupun lepas je beli my DH yang set everything up, like charging it and download all the software for me to use.

I think the reason he bought my own personal notebook its because it can keep me occupy. Yelah metua i kan tinggal ngan i so cabaran nya is really big and great. Misalnya i dah tak leh nak tonton my favourite show anymore, the tv is control by my mak metua unless i got something in common to watch with her but her favourite show its all the cinetron and i betul tak minat nak tonton all the sinetron no patience, so i am left with the tv inside the room without the cable connection and the choice is limited but i lantak je lah tengok apa-apa on show just to keep me occupy after i put my little princess to sleep. Kekadang i boring and rasa bingit juga i terperuk dlm bilik and kalau ada misunderstanding ngan my mak metua i rasa hish, tak tau mcm mana nak lepas kan perasaan i.

But now things has finally changed for eg ari ni! ni sekarang ni angin apa dah melanda mak metua i, tadi ok-ok je but when i bring my little princess out to do her normal ritual to kiss her grandparents goodnight muka mak metua i dah ronyok, even cium anak i pun nak tak nak. Lah apa kena ngan org tua ni, penat tau nak ikut rentak dia. I dah malas nak layan, i bring my girl into the room, put her to sleep then masuk dapur jap buat apa yang patut pas tu amik my notebook masuk bilik, ha hati pun senang, tak payah nak crack my brains out wondering what's happening! Dpt juga i luahkan isi hati i ni and it does make me feel better! I tak nak derhaka towards my inlaws that is why i choose to remain silent but keeping silent can be depressing sometimes. So many times i've been asking myself have i done enough? tak cukup ke apa yang i dah buat selama ini and i pun kekadang terfikir juga not even my own sister in law, isteri kepada my brothers did what i did towards my in-laws. I have gone the extra mile to do everything for them but still! entah lah maybe sampai akhir hayat i pun i will never be able to achieve that. What i know ALLAH tak akan menguji umat nya lebih dari kemampuan umat nya so i pasrah dan redha, ini sudah ketentuan dari DIA, siapa lah I untuk mengtidaknya.

Thanks dear for giving me this gift, it helps to keep my sanity at bay, luv ya a lot muacks!! Ok lah mata pun dah rasa ngantuk dah nak bobok ni. Jumpa lagi fm my home...........

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