Hai semenjak dua menjak ni my little princess is crazy over Upin & Ipin. Ya i know is a little too late for her to find out in regards to these two cartoon character. My little princess favourite cartoon character are Mickey, Pooh, Bob the Builder, Thomas, Tom & Jerry and not forgetting Strawberry Shortcake. She does watch other cartoon programme but yang i mention is her most favourite. But about 2 weeks ago my mak metua say that my darling came across the cartoon Upin & Ipin by accident and she luv it and hari-hari she will ask my mother in law to on channel 33.
Last Sunday on the way to my sisters place at CCK kita terserempak kedai cd and they sell Upin & Ipin dvd. The thing is when they show it on tv is in English which my girl understand very well but the dvd is in Malay which my girl tak faham sangat. Both my DH and I speak english to my little girl and both my inlaws speaks malay but my princess is more converse in english rather than malay, i bukan nak show off eh cause its the same for me too, i am more converse and fluent in english rather than malay sebab both my arwah parents are javanese so at home my 1st language is javanese. My family usually speaks javenese to my parent and english with each other. Ok i dah swerve topic dah, ok back to my princess so when i on upin & ipin dvd my princess keep on asking me ibu what is he saying, what does that mean, ibu i dont understand, ler i've got to explain to her what is the story all about, nasib baik i beli cuma 1 kalau 2 or 3 abis i have to spent an hour just to explain to her what is it all about. But now since my little princess dah faham jalan citer nya, she insist on watching it everyday and for the past 1 week i have been feeding her dinner in front of the telly watching U&I sampai kan i dah hafal the dialog.
Now that she in the U&I phase so naturally she ask me ibu can i buy U&I bag and i pun tanya lah my princess why do u want to buy U&I bag and her answer is they are so cute and botak. Ai my girl ni betul lah! bila crazy strawberry shortcake semua barang2 shortcake dia nak and now ngah crazy U&I semua barang U&I dia nak, seram juga i ni baru cartoon craze memorabilia so when she is older oh no i don't even want to think about it.................
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