Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hapi New Year

Wow its the 2nd day of the year already, hmph so far my new year long weekend break has been great, apa tak ye smlm i had a wonderful time with my family picnic at east coast. We were there from 3+ sampai kan ke mlm. I telah diarahkan oleh kak long to cook kari daging and each of my family brought different types of food and the best is my abg long brought along pisang and my 2nd brother pulak bawak chicken wings and these two item kita goreng kak sana, oi sedap nya makan panas2 dengan wind blowing from the sea, phew enjoy.....and not forgetting my little princess really enjoy herself playing with her cousins, making sand castle and playing at the makeshift swing. By the time sampai rumah dah kul 12 and kita anak beranak bangun almost 11 on Saturday.

My little princess with her abg & kakak

The things that i enjoy most is the i got the house to myself!!!! Yipee!!!! i can do what ever i want tak ada org yang nak tegur. Can u imagine 1 hari ni i tak do anything, just vege out. Aft we woke up, terus siap and go out for brunch sampai rumah almost 2. What i did is hang the clothes to dry and kemas dapur sikit and that's it. Angin malas betul nya melanda, i dont even cook dinner and my dh dont mind cause he know its not everyday that i got this opportunity. I cook only tiny bit of rice and small amt of potato soup for my girl and as for me makan roti dah cukup. Pas my update ni i nak melantak tengok tv all my favourite show and its a long due........

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