Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's been awhile

Ya ampun lama benor i tinggal rumah yang 1 ni. Iish, ish dah berabok betul lah. Bukan nya lupa cuma time is very limited. Well my day starts from 5.30am, it's too early in the morning kan, some people masih sedap dibuai mimpi, i dah kena force myself to wake up, mandi, cuci baju, sholat and terus masuk dapur nak kena buang sampah, bersihkan the service balcony which dah penuh ngan cat pooh-pooh & urine and bau dia, mak datok tak leh angkat! then pas tu clear the dishes, tidy up the kitchen area, normally sebelum tido i dah clear but malam slalunya my pak metua or my sil who never clean up after she eats by leaving the remenants there for me to clear. Semua ni i nak kena bereskan sebelum gi keje sebab untuk senangkan mak metua i.

Dah bereskan dapur, i have to wake my DH and bereskan bilik pulak. Nasib baik my DH ada juga tolong I cause i don't need to attend to my little princess semua my DH yang uruskan. From bathing her and getting her dress in her school uniform everything is done by my DH so senang lah sikit kalau tidak i terpekik2 at my daughter to quickly get dress. Semua siap,drop my little princess off at school. Her school starts @ 8am, i will make my move from her school at around 8 and walk all the way to the MRT station and by the time i sampai office exactly at 9.00am sampai lah kul 6.00pm and by the time i reach home is about 7 in the evening and i will have to attend to my girl nya needs and demands and by the time she sleeps at around 10pm i dah pancit i pun tido skali. So my typical day starts from 5.30 and end at about 11pm, huh tu sebab lah rumah ini terbengkalai jap.

As for my little princess she starts her nursery class this year and i have no problem with her crying or tantrum sebab she has gone thru playgroup the year b4 so this year senang sikit lah. The funny things is bukan anak yg nangsi but ibu yg nangis, yup i yg nangis on her 1st day of school. Rasa sedih lah sangat2 sebab cepat nya anak i dah besar and starting her nursery mcm baru smlm je i had her and rasa mcm magic pulak anak i dah besar dah and she has finish her 1st term and now she is on her 2nd term already. Oh skg my little girl is really a chatter box, ada je yg dia nak bualkan and she luv being a princess and i tampalkan gambar my sweet girl with a crown on her head.

The next picture my girl dress up mcm minah rocker pulak

Huh tengok tu anak i dah mcm anak dara kan. Ok lah have to go now, dah nak get ready on yr mark to balik dah nih. Jumpa lagi ye and i will try lah slalu -slalu balik kat rumah yg 1 ni.

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