Friday, August 7, 2009

Boss is in the HOUSE

Woi tak kesempatan betul i nak berblogging or nak melantak dengar lagu-lagu hujan. Apa tak ye my boss duduk bertapa dalam bilik, ish......... leceh betul lah. Satu minggu beb dia duduk kak opis, which is very rare sebab he got a new Vietnam project which require him to do a lot of analysis, that is why lah dia duduk bertapa kak dalam. Ni pun i dpt nak mengupdate kejap je because he has to do a tender opening (in the office!!! sigh) so dengan pantas i log in lah.

Mata ngah mengantuk gila sebab tadi my opis ada lunch, everybody is asking is it because of national day, i pun jawab entah i pun tak tau because all these years that i am working in this office tak pernah umur kita ada national day lunch but this year boleh ada pulak. Agak nya my main director, dr yang diatas tu mood dia baik sikit kot nak belanja makan for all staff, ai dah dpt makan free lantak je ler.............

Ok lah nak log out already takut tup-tup timbul je org tua tu, its going to be a long weekend, so for no plan but knowing my DH nanti ada je idea crop out, will update next week hopefully but first i must chase my boss out dulu baru lah boleh update huh, betul tak?? betul..................

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