Monday, August 8, 2011

Iftar with Family

I had a great weekend sebab Iftar with my family and meeting my family always made me in a happy and good mood, I luv my family, who doesn't right. For the Iftar i made kueh talam berlauk but i lupa lah nak take the pics and comment from my family, good.......this is the 1st time me making the kueh, I got the recipe from my mil cause she had that recipe for ages and she used to make it and since i got a good feedback nampak-nampak akan selalu lah i membuat nya.

Today is the 8th day kita berpuasa and my body dah totally adjust dah tak rasa letih sangat and I know i dah shed some weight and hopefully i dpt maintain this weight but i don't think so once Ramadan is over and I will start my bad habit, snacking!! when i got tons of work and stress and start lah i munching on keropok. BTW I dah siapkan inti kuih tart and next week Friday i will start my baking marathon, ya right mcm real jer eh...this Saturday will make my way to Angsana to shop for baju melayu for both my princess and I and not forgetting kerepek-kerepek for Hari Raya sekali.

Ok lah tak leh nak talk so much, have to get back to my work and enclosing gambar yang i sempat amik before semua nya kena ngap, see penuhkan satu meja!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Puasa Kedua

Hmph...dah hari kedua kita berpuasa dah and i dah train my little princess who is turning 5 in 2 months time to puasa even though ada objection from my mil, her reason anak i masih kecik but its good to train while they are still young kan. Semalam my mil ckp my girl tak ada tenaga selalu nya bila pulang dari sekolah dah boleh dengar suara dari luar pintu but semalam tak ada suara langsung dia terus picit bell, masuk rumah terus lepak @ sofa, how i wish i am there to see her face and reaction her 1st day of fasting tapi apa boleh buat, i guess this is the feeling that all working mum faces. She did complain perut dia sakit lapar and my mil terus lah masakan dia nasi and she manage to abstain from eating till 12 and hopefully ari ni dpt lah my girl puasa till Zohor.

This year my DH ada wawasan yang dia nak lose a lot of his weight so bila sahur dia cuma nak makan roti jer and as for buka puasa pulak my family memang dah biasa makan yang simple and not everyday my DH will buka puasa at home sebab ada class, so smlm for buka puasa i masak bee hoon goreng and masuk satu jenis lauk dah cukup and itu pun 6 keping ayam jer i masak sebab my DH tak makan nasi langsung and i masak untuk both my metua sebab for both of them mesti nak nasi baik malam and sahur. As for me i makan nasi around 9.30pm before i go to sleep and sahur i minum segelas susu segar and tiga biji kurma dah cukup. InsyaAllah this weekend i akan berbuka ngan my whole family at rumah kak long I and looking forward to it and sekarang ni ngah pikir juadah apa yang best for me to bring for the Iftar hmph........

Friday, July 29, 2011

Time Flies

Phew yo cepat betul masa berlalu dengan pantas and dah nak masuk bulan Ramadhan dah and pas tu Syawal. The truth is persiapan untuk hari raya belum siap not that we are the last minute person who does last minute preparation but my DH always says belum puasa dah sibuk nak hari raya, puasa dulu baru lah semangat nak buat persiapan, ada some truth juga in what he says. Anyway sekarang ni dah belamabk tempat jual baju raya yang dah siap kita cuma tunjuk jer nak yang mahal, yang murah semua ada so tak yah lah nak prepare half a year in advance.

Like last year i will buy my princess and my baju kurung in JB, satu pasang untuk I and 3 pasang untuk my sweetheart, biasa lah dah jadi mak mesti nak mengalah ngan anak kan, anyway baju kurung i yang lama-lama tu masih elok lagi so tak yah lah nak beli sampai 2 or 3 helai. As for dresses i dah beli 1 piece baju princess for her which i bought when were in Hong Kong and i will get for her 1 more piece for her and senang jer just go to Vivo City and everything is there under one roof dress, kasut and her accessories semua ada dijual di sana. As for my DH dia tak nak beli apa-apa even baju kurung pun tak nak sebab baju last year yang kita beli cuma pakai sekali jer so my DH tak waste money, dah inflation ni must save as much as we can.

Untuk who ever yang terjengok or tersinggah my rumah yang satu ni, i nak mengucapkan selamat menjalani ibadah puasa yang bakal menjelang dan semoga di berkati Allah selalu dengan kesihatan agar dapat menjalani ibadah kita dengan sempurna, InsyaAllah Amin.............

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Alamak berabuk betui lah rumah i yang satu ni. Apa tak nya dah sebulan dah I tak menjengok and sapu-sapu ringgit rumah I ni he, he, he. Ok my 1st update - my little princess ada hobi baru, she got a pet fishes, she has been bugging both my DH and I for an aquarium so last month finally my DH relented and bought the fish tank for her. In total my DH bought 11 fishes but so far only 4 survive dan yang menjaga the fishes in terms of cleaning it and feeding the fish is my DH nya duty cause i got my hands full with the 3 three cats so i don't want an extra chores. My girl loves her fishes every morning without fail dia akan greet them good morning and good night before her bedtime.

My girl's fish tank

Untuk my 2nd update, my family and I went for a short trip in Hong Kong, yea..........this is after 2 years of hiatus of not travelling so this year dpt lah gi somewhere ada rezeki lebihan sikit so dpt lah i bring my little princess makan angin and we did went to HK Disneyland. My darling enjoy it tremendously, in fact before our trip she has been talking non-stop about HK Disneyland, ibu will Mickey & Minney be there, how about all the princess will they be there too and can i took photos with them and so on and so on.... she is super duper excited. Its good to bring your child to a destination when they now understood and remember. The last time she took an aeroplane ride she was only 2 and she sits on my lap and she slept thru out the journey to Vietnam but now dah duduk sendiri and dpt window seat pulak tu and she truly enjoy it cuma nasib baik lah it was only a four hours flight sebab anak i dah tak leh duduk diam after 2 hours of seating and start lah she keep on saying are we there yet, has the plan landed, why they took so long and i have to pacify her and keep her occupied and sebab my flight was early in the morning so i pujuk my girl to sleep instead and dpt lah i lelap mata juga for abt 2 hours. Kalau nak menstory my experience there it will be a very long entry so layan jer ler our holiday pic. Ops btw December going again you know.....

Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekend Outing - Collection of Award

Last weekend we were at Singapore Science Centre sebab my DH dpt recognition for being a blood donor for 25 times so dia dpt bronze award lah and we got free entry and as usual lah yang fully enjoy our time was my little princess it was here 1st time there and she got lots and lots of question why this why that and whats this and whats that and she excited says can we come here again ibu please, pretty please, so i say ok lah why not but not so soon after the school holiday sebab during the holidays the place is so crowded so my little girl don't quite get to enjoy the exhibit fully.

My DH receiving his bronze award

And as usual my little girl pantang kalau nampak air kalau tak main or touch memang lah tak sah. There was a designated place for water play at the science centre but the weather was cloudy last saturday so i don't want my little girl to have her water play. But when she saw the area she excitedly say ibu can i play with water but both my DH and I say no cause the weather looks like its going to rain so we promise her next time so i thought selamat lah dia tak main air but i thought wrong, outside McDonald ada pulak air pancut habis lah my little girl tak leh nak tahan godaan and habis she is wet from head to toe. Nasib baik lah i brought along baju extra for her cause i know my daughter well, she just luv water.

Oh ya my boss is back from his holidays and he bought me presents.

He went to Prague, this is my DH and I nya dream destination, memang lah kita nak gi sini tapi tak per simpan duit dulu. The green colour T-shirt with the butterfly is for my little girl and the white colour T is for me. Sayang juga eh my boss towards me, apa tak yer i kan perkerja contoh, ha, ha, ha Thanks Boss!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Mix of All Thoughts

Ok 1st part, cuti sekolah dah bermula, dah masuk hari ke 4 to be exact and last week both my DH and I dah meet up with my girl's teacher and her progress report has been good and positive and my girl is able to understand all lesson thought by her teachers cuma satu perkara jer yang i musykil. My girl teacher ask me if my girl understands English and whether she has an English speaking background, huh terperanjat kejap both my hubby and I. As far as we are concern my girl understand and speaks English very well in fact her vocab is so extensive and she does not speak broken English like for eg kalau org slalu ckp this is my one she does not she will say it's mine cause i make sure that when i speak to her i speak to her in proper English not a broken or singlish in terms. I ask her teacher why and she says that when her teacher speaks to my girl in English she will answer in Malay, whereas her classmates speaks English. I bukan nak look down upon my girl nya classmates but when my girl speaks to her friend in English her friends normally does not understand her. My girl once told me ibu why my friend don't understand what I am trying to say and judging by her look she looks fed-up so i told her its ok sweetheart talk to your friend in malay i'm sure they will understand u. Ok back to her teacher i go on explaining that my girl starts school when she was only 2 and she came from an English background school so last year when she start Nursery class she had a culture shock cause her friends mostly speaks malay and she doesn't so both my DH and I encourage her to speaks more malay instead and we did see an improvement in her malay even my relative that came to our house did comment her malay improve so much. So i tak kisah lah kalau her teacher thinks that my girl does not speaks English that much cause she does when she is at home and out of school. So when the session is over both my DH and I ask my girl:
Me : Sweetie why don't you want to speak English to your teacher
Darling : Because I want to be different Ibu
OMG she is only 4+ and she is able to tell me that she wants to be different from her friends. Ok lah both my DH and I no hal if she want to be different from the rest.

2nd part, tuan besar i pergi bercuti for a week so i ingatkan dia tak ada senang lah hidup i sikit. Rilek nak buat keje-keje i yang lain especially my filling yang berlambak sangat sampai sakit mata i nak memandang but i thought wrong, ya ampun keje i makin memeningkan kepala sebab boss tak ada, phone call banyak asking for answers then i nak buat macam mana!! Pening and bingit, semalam one of our client call me sampai empat kali and asking the same question and i have to give him the same answer that i have to wait for my boss nya reply and there is nothing much i can do and i almost menjerit and tengking that man yang dia dah tak faham bahasa kalau susah sangat nak faham in English meh akak terangkan dlm bahasa tamil! mcm lah i boleh ckp tamil he, he, he so due to my stress sangat i balik semalam terus i bake a cake! Orange Blended Cake! my DH terperanjat apahal u buat kek, i just look at him i stress lah so nak release ni. But my little girl luv it she keep on saying Ibu can i help please so i say ok lets do it.

Tadaa...... my orange blended cake

It is so easy to make and taste good too, append herewith the recipe:

1 orange - cut into small pieces including the skin
2 cups of flour } sieve together
1 tsp of baking powder }
2 cups of sugar (but i kurangkan sebab i takut manis, i use 1 and half jer)
1 cup of cooking oil
3 eggs

Blend all ingredient (using normal blender) except the flour. Once all mix, pour into a bowl and mix in the flour bit by bit till finish. Then pour into a 9 inch baking tray and bake for 40 mins to preheat oven at 170C. Dah senang kan the recipe. Thanks to Kak Fida yang post and give this simple and delicious recipe. My mil ask me this morning, sapa nak habiskan kek ni, so i say lah don't worry di tanggung beres..........

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

This is my 5th year so called celebrating Mother's Day. Kepingin lah sangat nak rasa di pampered from my DH and my girl on this special day but have to face reality my little girl is only 4+ so tak leh nak harapkan sangat anyway she is just so sweet. Early in the morning she has already wish me a happy mothers day and give me the biggest kiss and hug ever and she did a drawing to represent a mothers day card and she is my little helper for the day, helping me with the housework here and there. As for my DH urgh.......dia sibuk ngan his revision and even tak ada revision pun my DH is not the that sort kind of guy to give me a special treatment unless i dah terlantar atas katil sakit baru lah my DH did help in the house chores and also asking me do i need anything other than that nope zero so reality check, buat sendiri all the housework and cooking.

Lepas keje rumah selesai i terus masuk dapur and masak 2 mcm lauk, malas nak masak mcm-mcm jenis, ayam masak merah & tumis sayur kobis ngan kentang & suun dah simple and sedap. Lepas solat zohor i baru nak letak my kepala untuk baring rasa mcm nak lelap mata seminit dua my mil announce yg my sil will be coming to our house, lerr so terpaksa lah i padamkan saja niat i untuk zzzz. The thing that yang i bingit is my DH lah ni dah tau i ni dah siap masak dia boleh announce untuk gi Pizza Hut for a mothers day celebration, lerr siang-siang lagi tak nak ckp anyway kita pun tak tau yg my sil nak dtg so since she is coming and also her son birthday is today so my DH say lets go out for a meal. The two dishes that i cook end up in the fridge so hari ni senang sikit lah i tak yah lah nak rush home balik to cook dinner, my mil boleh tolong panaskan the lauk so rilek lah sikit i ari ni.

The Mother's Day Cake (bought by my yougest sil to our surprise)

Me with my sweetheart posing with the mothers day cake